Saturday 25 April 2009

Comfort and Security With a Walk in Tub

There is nothing more personal than an individual's intimate hygiene. This is an area that is very important to senior citizens and anyone with a physical handicap. No one wants to suffer the indignity of having to have someone else tend to the needs of your own personal cleanliness. With the advent of walk in tubs people are now capable of caring for their own personal hygiene. However, there are those that still need the assistance of a caregiver for this most personal type of care. In this instance, walk in tubs are also of great benefit, because it makes it much easier for a caregiver to attend to the needs of a person with limited mobility.

With the growing popularity of these walk in units, more and more people are able to retain their dignity and sense of independence and caregivers have an easier time caring for those with physical limitations.

These tubs provide many safety features that give added security and comfort to an aging population. As we age it becomes increasing difficult to step in and out a regular bathtub and the possibilities of slips and falls also increase, which cause additional unnecessary injuries. Walk in tubs are at floor level and most units are equipped with non-slip surfaces on the floor of the tub. Walk in tubs also are outfitted with contoured seats, so that once you enter the tub you can immediately sit comfortably and relax for an enjoyable bath. There are many other safety features available with these tubs from hand held showerheads to scald protection to prevent the water from becoming too hot.

Many of these tubs can be purchased with the added benefit of whirlpool action. This is a wonderful accessory for anyone who suffers from poor circulation, sore and aching muscles, or the healing warmth and water movement to aid in alleviating pain associated with an injury.

The safety and security provided by the use of these tubs is priceless. Whether you are an individual who wants the ability to care for yourself in your own home, or if you are a nursing facility charged with the care of those with limited mobility, or if you are a caregiver providing the necessary guardianship of a loved one. These walk in units make life easier for everyone and they provide the ability for anyone with a physical disability to maintain their sense of independence and care for their own personal cleanliness.

Walk in tubs provide safety and security for anyone with limited mobility for other information visit

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